On this page you will find extra information on topics related to the shop and products in general.
As we receive enquiries from our customers we will post new questions and answers, so come back whenever you want to find out more.


Product Questions

Why the colours of the products can be slightly different?
Each monitor on which our shop is displayed may have small differences and variations in the presentation of colours.
The photo may have been created using a slight filter that can accentuate the colour compared to its normal appearance.

Why are there imperfections in my product?
Remember that most of our products are handmade, so imperfections are there precisely because the production is not part of a standardised process. It is the work of a craftsman who has carefully worked out all the details.
The imperfection is precisely the part that adds value, because the result is a product that is unique to you.

Why does my product not look exactly like the shop presentation photo?
Most products are created at the time of your order in a completely handcrafted manner. The craftsman who created the vase or mug, for example, has made a version that is almost identical to the product presentation photo, but because it is handmade, the product can never be perfectly the same, it will always have a few 'imperfections' that make the product unique and of greater value.

Why is the lead time to receive some products so long?
Most of our products are handcrafted and the craftsman waits for your order confirmation before making them.

Some of our suppliers are based outside the EU space, so your products travel a greater distance than suppliers in the European space. The quality of the products is, in our opinion, worth the longer wait.

Many products are only manufactured after your order to minimise waste and reduce environmental impact. Creating too large a warehouse and the risk of producing more than necessary negatively affects the environment, be eco-positive.
Can I get an invoice for my purchases?
If you wish to receive an invoice for one of your purchases, simply write to ordini.shop@allaricerca.it within 48 hours, indicating your billing details and the order number of your purchase.
If you send us your billing details after registering and before placing an order, we will register you as a B2B user and you will automatically receive an invoice for each of your purchases. Discover the advantages here: https://shop.allaricerca.it/pages/account-b2b

Questions regarding Orders

Can I change my address?
If you need to change your address after you have placed an order, you must immediately write to us at ordini.shop@allaricerca.it specifying your new address. Our support will check the suitability of the change of address.
If your order is being processed/shipped unfortunately the change is no longer possible or we do NOT guarantee that the new address will be taken into account by the courier.

Is it possible to request shipments outside Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands?

Unfortunately, our shop does not accept orders from people/companies with residence outside Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands,

Can I cancel an order?

You can request the cancellation of your order by writing to ordini.shop@allaricerca.it. We will let you know if it is still possible by checking with our team and our supplier the actual status of your purchase.
If the order has been prepared and is being processed/shipped, unfortunately your order cannot be cancelled. You will have to wait for the product to arrive at the address marked as destination and then make a return by emailing resi.shop@allaricerca.it

Questions regarding Returns and Refunds

When and how can I make a return?

You can make a return within 14 days of receipt of the product by sending the product back to us, using a courier of your choice and independently. You must write us an e-mail to resi.shop@allaricerca.it
You are responsible for the shipping costs.

You will be reimbursed as soon as we have received the product and checked its condition. Shipping costs and other costs related to the receipt of the product will not be refunded to you as the courier has done its duty and delivered the product.

How must products be part of a return?

In order to be reimbursed, products must be in their original packaging or in suitable packaging that preserves the product in the process of transportation to our premises, as it was received with no signs of use, undamaged, and it must also be returned in a state of substantial integrity (clean, free of scratches, damage, dents, abrasions).

What to do in case of a damaged product?
If the product arrives damaged or not working, please contact us at resi.shop@allaricerca.it and send us photos of the product as it arrived so we can certify its condition. All products purchased are covered by warranty in accordance with the law.
What should I do if the box delivered by the courier is damaged?
Upon delivery, pay attention to the package received before signing for it to the courier. In the case of obvious damage or tampering of the package, the couriers require that a reserve of control be placed on it. The reservation affixed by the recipient cannot be of a generic nature but, by consistent case law and doctrine, must have a specific indication (Damaged/Broken/Crushed Package) and be known to the courier at the time of delivery alongside the signature on the POD. Always keep the original packaging in which the shipment was delivered. The courier will be able to carry out a survey and check whether the packaging provided was of an approved type in order to proceed with compensation. We recommend that you always take photos of the packaging, inside and outside, of your shipment both before collection and at the time of delivery, as you will be asked for them.

Questions regarding Invoices and Payments

What do I have to do to get an electronic invoice for my purchase?

If you are a natural person, an electronic invoice is not required by law, but if you need one, you must write to us at ordini.shop@allaricerca.it indicating your invoicing details, including your tax code. We may also ask you for other data if we need to issue the invoice correctly.
If you purchase on behalf of your company but are registered as a natural person, you must write to us at ordini.shop@allaricerca.it in order to be able to issue the invoice correctly.
If you are a company or purchase on behalf of your company, we will automatically invoice you. You will then receive the invoice via SDI in your tax drawer. If you have any questions or concerns, please write to us at ordini.shop@allaricerca.it.

Are my payment details recorded?

When you shop in our shop, your personal data (name, address, etc.) are secure.
On the other hand, we do not record any payment method data (credit card number etc.) as all transactions only go through the banks that handle money transfers.

Shipping Questions

How long does it take for my order to be processed?
From the moment of your purchase we take 1 working day to process your order and send your request for preparation and shipment to our supplier.
We give you 24 hours to be able to change any of the details of your order from the destination address to reconsideration and/or cancellation, after which we forward the request to the supplier who will prepare the order and ship it.
Please bear in mind that some suppliers make the product to order, after the order confirmation from us, so the timeframe for actually receiving the product may vary slightly from the pre-arranged days.
The shipping times are always written at the bottom of each product description.

Questions about your account in the shop

If I am registered on the real estate portal allaricerca.it do I also have to register in the shop to purchase?
Remember that the account created in the shop is only valid for the shop and does not imply a registration on the real estate portal AllaRicerca.it and vice versa, if you are registered in the portal you are not automatically registered in the shop.AllaRicerca.it

For any questions or doubts write to us at shop.allaricerca.it

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